A, B, C.

Kanika turned four today and was proudly going to school, carrying a huge bag of goodies to distribute amongst her friends at school. The teacher led the class, as all the children together sang, “Happy Birthday to you, Kanika.”
Well, it was a long and fun filled day for Kanika and her family. As they were about to retire for the night, Mother asked Kanika, “So darling, are you happy?”
“Of course, Mama, thank you for the lovely game and thank you Papa for the new dress. I’ve had a great birthday.”
Mother gathered her little daughter in her arms and said solemnly, “Do you think, you owe a ‘thank-you’ to someone else too?”
Kanika looked thoughtful and replied, “I don’t think so. Did I forget someone?”
Then mama said, “You forgot to thank God!”
Kanika looked at her sheepishly and said “Yes Mama, I’ll do it now…. Should I make a ‘thank you card’?”
“Do you know how to make it?”
“Yes, the teacher taught us at school,” she said.
The little girl sped to her little study desk and folded a sheet of white card paper into half; she drew a little girl on the outer side. The girl was a replica of herself. She wore a pretty white frock. Her hair was in pig-tails. There was a wide smile on her face.
She opened the card to write something inside. For a moment she was about to hand over the card to her mother asking her to write a nice message in it. But she had another idea. She wrote ‘a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z’
Below that she wrote “I luv U” and signed it. She took the card to show to mother. Mother looked at her questioningly when she saw the alphabet script inside. Kanika said, “You see mama, I only know how to write the alphabet. I don’t know how to write words as yet.”
“Yes honey, but what will God think?”
“He knows all the words; He’ll make up whatever he wants to with the alphabets!”
That’s the voice of the heart – Pure and simple. The message had been conveyed. The words were of no consequence.
Our beloved Bhagwan Baba tells us that, “There is only one language – The language of the heart!”