Become A Master Mind (The Monkey Mind)

Once a lady of the house in a village, wanted to go to the market place. She had a monkey and a donkey as pets. She tied them both in front of her house and went to the market.

The monkey as usual became restless and managed to remove the rope tied around him. He also untied the donkey. Both entered the house and ransacked the whole place, pulling down vessels, breaking pots, and what not! The monkey sensed that his Mistress would come any moment. So he came out of the house and quietly tied himself with the rope at the same spot where the lady had left him. The poor donkey could not do so.

When the lady entered the house she was shocked to see the condition of the house. When she looked around, she found the donkey with the rope untied. Assuming that the donkey was responsible for all the mess she started beating him with a stick while the monkey enjoyed watching the scene.

In the above short story, the monkey represents the mind, while the donkey represents the body. Whatever wrong deeds the mind asks us to do, the body suffers. The mind asks us to play in the rain, the body gets fever, the mind tells us to steal or speak a lie and the body suffers the punishment. So one must not become a slave of the mind but become a master-mind.