Don’t waste what you have, value it!
Too many desires lead to a restless life. One who has no desires is free. The richest man is not one who has loads of money. The richest man is one who has no desires.

Our forefathers taught us that nothing should be wasted. If they spotted even a fallen crumb they would reverentially touch it to their eyes and then put it on the compound wall of the house for a bird to eat! They said Ann is Brahm (Food is God).
What did they mean by ‘nothing’ should be wasted? Sometimes our desires are too many and may lead to acquisition of superfluous possessions. But really speaking there is a limit to one’s needs, or to the amount one can consume. The rest is surplus. That surplus could be put to good use or to misuse. Misuse of what we have is wastage. Putting a ceiling on desires teaches us to use and enjoy all available resources in a balanced way. Too many desires lead to a restless life. One who has no desires is free. The richest man is not one who has loads of money. The richest man is one who has no desires. A man said to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, “I want peace!” Baba said, “Remove the I. Remove the want. What is left? Peace!”
Food is one of the basic necessities of life. Suppose we were to weigh the food that we consume daily and also check our weight daily. We usually wish for the weight to remain constant, unless we are on a weight loss/gain spree. So where does all the food consumed go? The gross part of the food (the major portion) is expelled as waste. A minute amount of food (the subtle part) is assimilated and flows as blood in the body; this becomes the life force and gives energy. A minuscule amount (the subtlest part) is assimilated and goes to make the mind. The mind is a reflection of the food consumed. That’s why it is said, Jaisa Ann, Waisa Mann. We should eat to live, not live to eat. Food is God! So if we waste food it is equivalent to wasting God.
Money is important to buy the basic necessities of life. We worship Goddess Lakshmi as the Goddess of wealth. Dhan (wealth) is worshipped so we should not waste it. Misuse of money is corrupts the senses.
Time is something that available in limited quantity. God alone is not limited
by time. He is called Akaal Purak (Timeless being). He rules time. He restricts time. Time waste is life waste. If we waste time in useless pursuits it tantamount to disrespecting time. Time lost is life lost. If we wasted two hours yesterday, we cannot reclaim them today. We can eat yesterday’s left over food. We can spend today, the money earned yesterday. But we cannot use yesterday’s time today. Time once lost, is lost forever. Time and tide wait for no one. Baba says that of the 24 hours of the day, 6 hours each should be used for work, sleep, service to society and contemplation on God.
What about energy? We have physical, mental and spiritual energies. If you are on the path of Divinity you cannot waste these three energies. If you feel that your energy belongs to God, you will not misuse it. The mind is always thinking. It has to be channelled to think the right thoughts. If you feel that your body belongs to God, you will not use it to do wrong. The royal road to divinity is to see, hear, speak, think, and do no evil. Energy is to be utilized in seeing, hearing, speaking, thinking and doing the right things and not wasted in doing wrong.
If we are able to sanctify our time and energy, a time will come when the mind shall be extinguished and pure Divinity can be experienced in everything around. Meditation on Soham (I am He) soon leads to Soham melting into OM, which is the beginningless and endless sound of God!
This piece is published in The HT on 25.02.2024. It can be viewed here
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