Not Everything At Once!

A preacher, entered a hall where he was to give a sermon.

The hall was empty except for a young man seated in the front row.

The Preacher, pondering whether to speak or not, finally said to man, “You are the only one here. Do you think I should speak or not?”

The man said, “Master, I am but a simple man and do not understand these things. But, if I came into the stables and saw that all the horses had run off and only one remained, then I would feed it nevertheless.”

The Preacher took this to heart and began to preach. He spoke for over two hours. After that he felt elated and wanted his audience to confirm how great his sermon had been. He asked, “How did you like my sermon?”

The man answered, “I told you already that I am a simple man and do not understand these things very well. However, if I came into the stables and found all the horses gone except one I would feed it, but I would not give it all the fodder I had.”