Our Baby Has Gone !

Our Baby Has Gone !

A couple had been married for ten years, but they had no child. Then one day, the wife was overjoyed to know that soon she would be a mother. The couple shared the joy of the baby growing in her tummy all through the nine months. The beautiful baby boy was born. Needless to say, he was the apple of his parent’s eyes.

When the boy turned three, he seemed to have a fascination for electric plugs and sockets. He would try to stick his little fingers into the sockets in the walls. Father took some cello-tape and covered all the sockets in the house. Every time they needed to use a socket, they would carefully remove the tape and restore it back after the work was done. One day, the mother used the vacuum cleaner at one of the sockets. After that she forgot to cover the socket with tape.

When she went in for a bath, the child was asleep in his baby cot. A minute or two later the baby got up and incidentally, found his way to the uncovered socket in the wall. He picked up a small pair of scissors and stuck its prongs into the socket. Playfully he pressed the switch with his other hand. It took only a few seconds…. Mother heard the baby scream as the powerful current shot through his little body. By the time she reached him, it was already too late.

Unable to control herself she called her husband and cried bitterly, “It’s all over. He’s gone… he’s left us, our baby as gone….” The man drove home like the wind. Do you think he rebuked his wife for her negligence?

No, he held her in his arms for she had also lost her only child. He said, “Honey, its okay. That’s what destiny had in store for us. Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened. He gave us the beautiful experience of being mother and father. But perhaps the joy was meant to be short lived. We have to accept God’s will.”

Their child was not going to come back. But, they still had each other to live for. Love is unconditional. It’s a package deal. All the virtues and vices of your partner come packaged in one capsule. A successful relationship needs falling in love over and over again … many times … with the same person!