Pure Food!

There was a Brahmana who was always glad to feed any Sadhu who knocked at his door. His wife always cooked extra food, lest any passing monk come by their way. One day the wife was indisposed and a Sadhu knocked and asked for food.
The Brahamin did not want to disturb his ailing wife, so he asked his neighbour to cook food for the Sadhu. While eating, the Sadhu eyed the beautiful silver glass in which the water was served. After finishing the food, the Sadhu quietly put the glass into his cloth bag and went out.
In the evening, he felt guilty of having committed the theft. He went back to the Brahmana’s house, confessed his guilt and returned the glass. The Brahmana was amazed to think, that a Sadhu could be a thief. He was even more amazed at his act of confession.
Later, when he disclosed this incident to his neighbour, he discovered that the neighbour’s wife had not cooked the food herself, but had got it cooked from her servant, who was in the habit of stealing!
How true it is that the thoughts that occupy the mind of the cook, pass onto the food and subsequently to the person who eats it. Those thoughts play their role in the mind of the person consuming such food
Baba says, that the food that we eat should be not only nutritious but pure also. It should not only be cooked in clean vessels but the person cooking it should be clean in body and mind. Last but not the least, the food should have been procured by money earned through righteous means.
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