The Hut Is Mine

A small hut was all that an old man owned. His wife had passed away long ago. One day, he overheard his three sons arguing over the hut. The eldest said, “I am the eldest son, so my right is superior, the hut shall be mine when father dies.”

The middle son said, “I have always looked after mother and father, whenever they were in need of care. Both of you are never available when they need you, so the hut should be inherited by me. I would be its rightful owner, after father passes away.”

The youngest said, “Both of you have always laughed at me for being ‘good for nothing.’ You have always said, that I can never do anything well. You will be able to make homes for yourselves, please leave this hut for me.”

The old man was disturbed when he heard this. He called all his sons and said, “Whichever one of you can fill this hut completely before sunset today, can have it when I am gone.”

The eldest son, quickly bought some furniture and a carpet; but it was insufficient to fill up the entire hut.

The middle son bought some sheep. They flocked into the hut, but were not enough to fill it up either.

The youngest son, sat aside, in deep thought. As the sun began to set, the hut became dark. Then an idea struck him. He bought a candle and a matchbox. He herded out the sheep and removed the furniture too. Taking his brothers near their father’s bed, he lit the candle and placed it in the centre of the floor. In an instant the entire hut was filled with light. Every nook and cranny was illuminated. The so called ‘foolish’ son had won the hut for himself by filling it with light.

……. If only we can become like that and light a candle within ourselves, so as to let light radiate from within us to dispel darkness around us, we can hope to please the Eternal Father. If we can please Him, we can also secure a ‘hut’ for ourselves in His Divine Abode.

This reminds me of a song that I learnt when I was a little girl-
I’m gonna open up, all my doors.
I’m gonna open up, all my doors, to let the light of love come in.
I’m gonna say a prayer every day, ‘cause I want happiness, to come my way.
I am gonna open up, all my doors to let the light of love come in.